For the Torn Season 1 Finale, on April 1st, 2010, Nickdiz18 has released this promotional picture. The Second season for the hit YouTube Series, "Torn" will premiere on the channel on April 2nd, 2010. The Season 1 Finale will be split into 2 parts. Both parts will be posted in the description. A small note in the video will tell any confused viewers that they can read the episode in the description.
A caption (catch phrase) has also been announced for the April Fool's Day release. "No Jokes!" The caption is to tell the viewers that the Torn Finale on April 1st is not a joke, and will be posted. The picture has been posted as a background on the Nickdiz18 YouTube channel, and will remain the background, until April 2nd, 2010. Nickdiz18 has also said, Quote, "The YouTube Background images are an excellent source for promos. Watch for change of them."
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