Navystardust12 has released 4 new promotional pictures for his series, "Airplanes". The pictures consist of 3 topics: the current second season, the season 2 finale, and the season 3 premiere. These are the pictures. (P.S. The fourth picture is not yet ready for release, according to navystardust12, however he has released info saying the picture is of Times Square in New York City, following Genevieve Hailus' return to New York.)
Also, he has released the schedule for the complete second season of Airplanes, now playing on his YouTube channel:
Episodes 24, 25, and 26 – September 1st
Episodes 27,28, and 29 – September 8th
Episodes 31, 32, and 33 – September 15th
Episodes 34, 35, and 36 – September 22nd
Episodes 37, 38, and 39 – September 29th
Episodes 40 – October 6th (Season 2 Finale)
Episodes 27,28, and 29 – September 8th
Episodes 31, 32, and 33 – September 15th
Episodes 34, 35, and 36 – September 22nd
Episodes 37, 38, and 39 – September 29th
Episodes 40 – October 6th (Season 2 Finale)
Episodes 21, 22, 23 (used to premiere the second season) were already premiered.
The full season 3 schedule hasn't been released, but it's been announced the first 3 episodes of season 3 will premiere on October 13th, a week after the season 2 finale. It's also been announced that the series/season 5 finale will premiere early next year, on January 26th, 2011. Details (plot-wise) on the next 3 seasons (3, 4, and 5) haven't been announced, but 3 new episodes of the series will premiere this Wednesday, on September 1st. Perhaps Genevieve, Joe, and Olivia will finally get to New York in the next 3 episodes!
Speaking of Olivia Beckham (portrayed by Emma Watson), she will be leaving the show sometime during the episode 27, 28 and 29 marathon, but she has been casted for a main role in the spin-off series, "Cyber" which will begin on November 11th, 2011. She will still return in future episodes of the series (she's rumoured to appear in the season 2 finale) as a recurring cast member, and will also appear in 3 episodes of season 3, 4 episodes in season 4, and might return as a main cast member in season 5, with a 13-episode appearance in the fifth and final season.
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