Tomorrow, navystardust12 will be launching the third season of his hit original YouTube series, 'Airplanes'. He hasn't released much information about season 3, but we have reason to believe that navystardust12 won't be renewing the series for a fourth season.
He announced last week that writing for season 3 was officially complete, and he said that he "brushed through the writing" in just 15 days. Season 3 will be half as long as it's predecesor seasons, seasons 1 and 2. The first 2 seasons, which ran from July 30th to October 31st were both 20 episodes in long, however season 3 will be reduced to just 10 episodes, running for only a little over 3 weeks. Navystardust12 announced today that the season finale would premiere on November 18th, 2010. We are guessing that this will also be the series finale.
Today, navystardust12 released an image that you can see in this blog post. He did not announce any other information with the image. He just uploaded the image onto his blog. The image appears to be a cover for an early-released episode (the season 3 finale) which will likely be released soon, via SendSpace and YouTube. That's right! The blogspot acclaimed series finale will released for downloads
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