Navystardust12 today announced that the fifth season finale of his series Airplanes will be pushed back by one month to October 31st, 2011. The fifth season began airing in early January 2011, which means that this season will run for ten months, despite the fact that the season contains a mere 13 episodes. The season six premiere has been pushed back to November 23rd, 2011. The sixth season will be the first season of the show that will not air on the Navystardust12 channel. The sixth season will contain 27 episodes, making it the longest season in history for the show, however the season will run for approximately 9 months. The sixth season will finish airing on June 30th, 2012, which will be the two-year anniversary of the series premiere.
We previously announced that the Airplanes remake would debut this Winter, but Navystardust12 has since stated that the remake will be pushed back to late Fall 2012, or possibly 2013. The remake will air as a mini-series, consisting of 24 episodes to be put into 1 season.
Navystardust12 also announced today that a potential Airplanes spin off film was in the works. If the film is produced, there are currently two open airing windows: September - November 2012, or April - June 2013. The film would be a prequel to the events in Airplanes. Navystardust12 stated that the film would only take place if the remake was a success, and if the fans wanted to see the characters in an "earlier light". We will continue to keep you updated.
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