Navystardust12 has - yet again - renewed The "Torn" Series!
The series' second season ended on an unexpected note in May, when Nickdiz18 was suspended from YouTube. And just when we thought it was all over, he renewed the series for the third and fourth season.
But now, Nickdiz18 has renewed the series for a fifth season! However, Nickdiz18 has quoted that the fifth season will be the last season, and under practically no circumstances will he renew the season for a sixth season.
And, the plot for Torn: The Movie had just gotten finished, when Nickdiz18 was suspended. The movie is a long enough length for them to replace the movie script as the third season.
Here are the official premieres and finales for the remaining seasons:
Season 3; October 10th, 2010 - February 13th, 2011
Season 4; March 13th, 2011 - July 17th, 2011
Season 5; August 21st, 2011 - January 15th, 2012
There are 58 more episodes planned for the series. (There were originally 57, but 2 episodes will be aired for the series finale, making a total of 58 episodes).
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