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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What's in the future?

Nickdiz18 has released information on what he is focusing on doing in the future. He was scheduled to be leaving YouTube in September 2010, but once creating a new YouTube channel he has said that "something has hit me. rather, it has striked me across the face." He has decided that it would be stupid to leave, and that he had just been gloating about how stupid he thought YouTube was for suspending him from his first channel.
He says that he wants to do all of the series he has thought up (Airplanes, Finding Jenna Parker, Torn: The Final Goodbye, and Cyber) but in the future he would like to quit YouTube because one of the general reasons he had been wanting to quit YouTube this september, was because he felt he was spending too much time on his videos, and not enough time with friends and family.
More series are still to come from navystardust12, not including a recently cancelled voice-over series.
Nickdiz18 hopes to spend more time with his FiveGhettoKids YouTube collab channel, and wants to focus on "getting himself into the world".
His new scheduled last appearance on YouTube [nickdiz18-wise] is sometime in 2013.

Other News:
Nickdiz18 turns 2 on October 11th, 2010.
Airplanes Trailer #2 to be released tomorrow.
Finding Jenna Parker Trailer to be released Saturday.

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